Offline First
Only you own your data. We store nothing in the cloud. All your content can be saved as Markdown files on your hard drive.
System Agnostic
Use MasterScreen with any roleplaying system like D&D, Pathfinder, Warhammer, or create your own entirely!
Markdown Based
Everything can be saved and edited as plain Markdown files. Use MasterScreen on top of other tools like Obsidian.
Advanced Tech
Unobtrusive, lightweight and familiar interface that can run on any device without any installs or downloads.
Built by Nerds
We know what dungeon masters need, because we run games by ourselves! New features and updates every month.
Entirely Free
Unlimited content and no restrictions: everything is provided free of charge and is supported by the community.
"The best thing that happened to tabletop gaming in a long time."
@DominikLevitskyFully Offline
Markdown Support
Combat Manager
Interactive Maps
Effects System
Simulated Dice
Flexible Templates
D&D Presets
3D Battlemap
Instant Search
Create functional entries, that can alter other entries. Like a sword that gives +5 to strength to any character that wields it. Or create a full-featured D&D (or any other system) class that unlocks abilities when the character levels up. The possibilities are endless.